Purchasing & Licensing Options

There are two different ways that you can use Estate Manager Web:

  • 1) Buy the full licensed product, or
  • 2) Rent Estate Manager Web on a monthly basis

Purchase Estate Manager Web as a full licensed product

The full licensed product of Estate Manager Web can be purchased by paying a one-time fee. There are no restrictions in the number of properties or the number of users.

We also offer an Annual Maintenance plan that includes software support and product updates.

For more information, please contact us using the contact form.

Rent Estate Manager Web on a monthly basis

You can rent Estate Manager Web on a monthly basis and enjoy nearly the same benefits as the full licensed product. There is an initial prepayment amount that you must pay in order to get you started.

We offer flexible plans if you would rent Estate Manager Web on a monthly basis such as:

  • Up to 100 properties
  • From 101 to 200 properties
  • From 201 to 500 properties
  • From 501 to 1000 properties
  • From 1001 to 2500 properties

If your company has more than 2500 properties then you must purchase the full licensed product.

For more information, please contact us using the contact form.


In order to install and use Estate Manager Web you will need the following:

  • 1) A Windows Server machine
  • 2) The Oracle Database engine
  • 3) Any modern Internet Browser

Windows Server

Estate Manager Web can be installed on a Windows Server 2003 (or greater) that will be acting as a web server via the Internet Information Services (IIS) version 7 (or greater). IIS is already pre-installed on Windows Server machines.

Since Estate Manager Web is written using the .NET framework version 4, you will also need to install the .NET 4 Client Profile on the Windows Server. Furthermore, Estate Manager utilises the SAP Crystal Reports engine which also must be installed on the server. We will provide you with all the necessary server software and assist you with the installation upon purchase.

There is no need for you or your employees to install any additional software in any other computer in order to run Estate Manager Web. Everything is handled from the Windows Server.

Oracle Database

You are also required to purchase a license for the Oracle Database engine version 11g (or greater). The database can be installed on the same Windows Server or, preferably, on a separate Server machine.

Estate Manager Web has embedded scripts that will create all the necessary database schema automatically for you and from the first time that you will start to use the application.

Estate Manager Web is provided with the necessary ASFU Oracle Database license.

Internet Browser

Finally, you and your employees can go ahead and use Estate Manager Web from any computer that has a modern internet browser installed (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, etc). We highly recommend the usage of Google Chrome for performance and stability.

Estate Manager Web is ready to be used from a cloud server

If you are worried about the high costs of owning and maintaining your own Server machine, then we are pleased to tell you that Estate Manager Web can also be installed on a cloud server!

A cloud server is a virtual server machine that you can rent on a regular basis via certain providers (e.g. Amazon). It has all the features as if you would be using your own server machine. The main advantages of renting a cloud server are many but the most noticable is lower maintenance costs.

If you would be installing Estate Manager Web from a cloud server we will assist you throughout the installation procedure. All you need is sufficient hard drive space for the application files and the Oracle Database.

Product technologies:
